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Social Media Roundup – Week 1

Can you be insured for social media fails?


If your company becomes the butt of a Beyonce-esque hashtag, it may be time to put aside your pride and educate yourself on the inner workings of social media. Earlier this week, a local insurance company came under fire for a posted letter reprimanding an employee for his hairstyle. Aside from being implicated in an embarrassing manner, the situation proved that the company has no grasp on its PR or social skills. It also raised a debate on social media activism and whether platforms, such as Facebook, are appropriate places to raise such concerns.

Pokemon is a GO!


Pokemon Go was recently rolled out to Trinidad and Tobago, and immediately brands started to take advantage of the hype. From local mobile companies, to restaurants, to movie theaters…it’s refreshing to see companies utilizing the popularity of Pokemon in their marketing strategies. Clearly persons were paying attention to the app’s effect during its international roll-out. Of course, a couple of questions become obvious: 1. How long will this hype last? and 2. Are we crossing a line legally when using various Pokemon imagery?

Is your President more hip than my Prime Minister?


We literally get goosebumps whenever we hear about the POTUS (who is also on Twitter) (and FLOTUS, who is on both Twitter and Snapchat) maintaining close communication with the public and the global community. It gives a personal touch, especially within a field like the Public Sector which can sometimes feel like a maze for the average citizen. Local and regional politicians should take notes accordingly.

If there was a medal for rules and regulations at #Rio2016

Image by Kyle Rowe

The Summer Olympics have dominated the last two weeks, capturing the world’s eye as athletes compete in Rio for gold. Unfortunately, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has come under scrutiny for its extremely rigid limitations on sharing Olympic 2016 content on social media. Many have lamented that it creates great disconnect, especially for persons unable to watch their team on live television. One can only hope that the attitude towards digital content evolves in time for the next Olympic Games.

Where is your brand, Instagram Stories or Snapchat?

Images via

Instagram Stories have been available for about 2 weeks and Snapchat has been around for over 4 years. While Instagram boasts a more search-friendly and flexible network, Snapchat is touted as the place for teens, a particularly tricky demographic for brands to connect with. They’re both interesting and engaging apps in their own right, offering a world of possibility to give a vice to your brand/company, but surprisingly they’re underused by local and regional brands. Our questions is Why? 

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